11月29日(周五)下午,在梁林校区1号楼506学术报告厅,白俄罗斯国家科学院Vladimir Potkin院士来bv1946伟德手机版作题为In the Design and Synthesis of Biologically Active Substances and Ligands for Metal Complexes的学术报告。
Vladimir Potkin博士现担任白俄罗斯基础研究基金会国家化学专家委员会主席,国家科学技术委员会化学专家委员会成员,白俄罗斯化学专家委员会副主席,白俄罗斯最高认证委员会委员。研究领域:杂环化学和1,2-噁唑配位的金属配合物与开发合成杂环的合理方法,并将其应用于医药和农业化学的生物活性产物的靶标合成。
A brief analysis of the properties of isothiazoles, main characteristics of isothiazole core, the most common approaches to their synthesis, and own results of author on the chemistry of isothiazole derivatives and their unusual biological action will be presented. Particular attention will be paid to potentiation effects (synergism) with medical drugs, and pesticides; as well as to transition metal complexes with isothiazole ligands, including the unique catalytic activity of palladium complexes in cross-coupling reactions under environmentally friendly conditions - Green Chemistry.
Isothiazoles are 1,2-azoles, with two heteroatoms in a five-membered heterocycle (sulfur and nitrogen). They are widely used in medicinal chemistry and organic chemistry. Interest in isothiazoles is constantly growing.